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Rules for Motorhome Hill, Trackside Motorhome & Standard Lot Motorhome Areas

Thank you for purchasing a location in one of our Motorhome areas.  Motorhome Hill, Trackside Motorhome, and the Standard Motorhome lots have been designed as unique communities. To ensure this atmosphere remains, there are certain rules and restrictions in place so everyone can have an enjoyable weekend and event. They include, but not limited to the following:


  1. Areas are for self-contained motorhomes and trailers. No tents are allowed.

  2. Move-in day will be tentatively Wednesday, May 29th, 2024 at noon. Guests should check with the parking lot attendant for directions. Early arrivals cannot be accommodated.

  3. You are allowed to have guests in your spot. The person who purchased the spot is responsible for their guests and their actions. Guests must have a valid wristband. There is a limit of four (4) guests per spot.

  4. Pets must be kept inside the motorhome, or if outside they must be on a leash keeping the animal inside the confines of the motorhome spot. Pets must be kept from disturbing other guests.  If a complaint is received about a pet the matter will be addressed with the owner(s). In certain circumstances the owner may be asked to remove the pet from the property. Owners of pets must clean up after their pets and dispose of pet refuse properly. Pet refuse is not fertilizer. The purchaser of the motorhome spot is ultimately responsible for all pets in their area. No pets are allowed inside the public area of the track (i.e. the spectator stand, pit area, common area, etc.) unless it is a property designated service dog.  A pet meeting the service dog criteria must remain on a leash at all times.

  5. Grey Water/Septic Waste: The dumping of any tank on New England Dragway property is strictly forbidden. This includes "Grey Water" tanks, as well as septic tanks. New England Dragway property includes, but is not limited to all parking lots, pit areas, motorhome hill, trackside motorhome, standard motorhome lots and access roads. Violators of this provision are subject to the following penalties:

    1. Eviction from New England Dragway, Inc., property with no refund of any tickets including multi-day event tickets.

    2. Liability for any cleanup costs incurred by New England Dragway, Inc., plus a $500 fine.

    3. Suspension from New England Dragway, Inc., until any fine(s) and cleanup costs are paid in full.

  6. Quiet hours are from 11pm – 7am.

  7. Generators are allowed but MUST be quiet and not disturb other guest (especially during quiet hours). If a complaint is filed about a loud generator the owner of the generator will be asked to shut it off. Generator exhaust must be directed vertically and above the roof line of the RV.

  8. BBQ Grills are permitted. However, no open pit fires are allowed. Fires are permitted only in approved fire pits that are off the ground.

  9. The Town of Epping has an Open Container Ordinance. This ordinance prohibits open containers of alcohol in public areas, which all of New England Dragway falls under. This ordinance prohibits consumption of alcoholic beverages outside of a motorhome in the open area. Law enforcement officials strictly enforce this rule.

  10. Trash pick up will be done in the morning. Fill up the bag(s) that are provided and leave them on edge of motorhome spot closest to the road.

  11.  No Fireworks are allowed on the property!

  12.  Entry into the facility/spectator area must be done through designated spectator entry gate.

  13.  Pit auxiliary vehicles (golf carts, four wheelers, scooters, etc.) are not allowed inside the race facility. There are no parking accommodations and New England Dragway is not liable for theft or damage of the auxiliary vehicles.

  14.  No person(s)/vehicle(s) are allowed on the MX 101 track. Any person found on the track will be considered trespassing and will be evicted from the property with no refund of any tickets including multi-day event tickets and prosecuted to the full extent of the law.

  15.  Be courteous to your neighbors. Everyone is coming to the event to have a good time and enjoy the event. Be respectful of this and don’t let your good time infringe on others.


Violation(s) of these rules and restrictions could result in the purchaser of the motorhome spot, and/or their guests to be asked to leave the property and forfeit all tickets and privileges for the remainder of the event. No rainchecks or refunds will be given to any person(s) evicted from the property. We thank you for being a customer of New England Dragway and we hope you enjoy your time spent at the track.

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